Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Women are portrayed as powerful Essay Example for Free

Women are portrayed as powerful Essay William Shakespeares play Macbeth is set Scotland in the eleventh century. The play is about the protagonist Macbeths, bloody rise to power, through the murder of the Scottish king, Duncan. Macbeths ambition is to become king. In the play there are both powerful, manipulative and unnatural women portrayed by the likes of Lady Macbeth and the witches and the not so powerful and more traditional portrayal of females such as we see in Lady McDuff. The witches are portrayed as having ultimate power over Macbeth and the way in which they make potions, mixtures and use magic which makes them quite unnatural as this is not something an ordinary human would do. Lady Macbeth is shown as the more dominant figure with lots of power and is manipulative and a unnatural character. However after the murder of King Duncan she is overwhelmed by the guilt and begins to lose power, and is less manipulative over Macbeth. Lady Macduff on the other hand is the complete opposite of Lady Macbeth and the witches and is portrayed as being a stereotypical women from the eleventh century. She has very little power and perceived as being a normal female of the time. At the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth is a strong, powerful and manipulative person and she is more controlling than her husband Macbeth. Generally in the eleventh century, males are more domineering and powerful over females but that was not the case in Macbeth. Lady Macbeth seems to have more power than Macbeth as she successfully changes Macbeths mind to kill king Duncan through her manipulation Look like th innocent flower but be the serpent under it. Lady Macbeth is very unnatural as she want to be filled with cruelty to go through with the deed. Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts! unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty. Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth where he states he is having thoughts of killing Duncan but he does not say that he will. Lady Macbeth decides to take the matter into her own hands because she wants a better title for herself. She is stronger minded than Macbeth as she knows that although Macbeth is an ambitious person he is too noble to be able to go through with the deed himself. She manipulates his self-esteem by playing with his manliness and his bravery. However towards the end of the play and after the killing of King Duncan she is overwhelmed by guilt and losses all her power and Macbeth appears to be the more dominant character. She becomes more natural and less manipulative after her guilt catches up with her. Throughout the play the 3 witches are portrayed as having ultimate power and are very unnatural in the way they use magic and prophecy to control and manipulate characters such as Macbeth whom they control through addicting him through prediction of his future which he completely believes they have the power to do. At the beginning of the play the witches greet Macbeth as Thane of Glams, Thane of Cawdor and as King of Scotland. This prophecy leads Macbeth to genuinely think about being in control and having power. After Macbeth received the news that he was Thane of Cawdor he built a trust with the Witches as he now believes they were right about everything. Macbeth continued seeing the witches to see what his future will hold, speak, I charge you. The witches are portrayed as being unnatural and unhuman like as they make all different kinds of potions and eat unusual mixture. in the cauldron boil and bake; eye of newt and toe of frog. The Witches therefor are very powerful, in the way they control Macbeth and manipulate him in his desperation for power. They are also very unnatural and demonstrate unhuman like behaviours in the way they eat unnatural things. Lady Macduff is the complete opposite to Lady Macbeth and the witches and is portrayed as being a stereotypical women from the eleventh century. Lady Macduff has no power, is submissive and is portrayed as a natural female. Lady Macduff cares about her son and has maternal instinct, to leave his wife to leave his babies from whence himself does fly? She is protective of her son and is a traditional mother figure. Lady Macduff is loyal to Duncan and Scotland and cares about the welfare of the country. In a conversation with Ross Lady Macbeth says, His fight with madness. When our actions do not, out fears do make us traitors. She is so loyal to Scotland that she considers her own husband a traitor for leaving the country and believes that every traitor should be hanged. Everyone that does so is a traitor and must be hanged. Lady Macduff is the opposite to being powerful, manipulative and unnatural as she lets her husband take the lead and essentially needs him for living.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Monopolies Must be Eliminated in America :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

Monopolies Must be Eliminated in America      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this day and age, competition (to a certain extent) is considered healthy and, in many instances, encouraged.   Every day, adults and teenagers alike struggle to outdo other well-qualified applicants in the job market.   Even children as young as four years old can be found competing on the little league field.   As one can see, competition is an integral part of everyday life; however, what happens when competition ceases to exist?   It wouldn’t be very challenging or rewarding if an applicant received every job for which he applied.   And a child wouldn’t enjoy playing baseball against himself.   Even though it is hard to imagine a world without competition, there are a number of American media businesses that have no or relatively little competition in the market.   In the best interest of the public, monopolies, as these competition-less companies are called, need to be eliminated immediately.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Ben H. Bagdikian, monopolies form for two main reasons: money and influence.   It is common sense that the company with a very large number of consumers is going to produce more revenue than the small, independently owned business with a lesser number of customers.   The advertising agency Backer Spielvogel Bates recently conducted a four-year study of 2,746 companies.   This study showed that the companies with 1.5 times the sales of their nearest challengers were 52 percent more cost-effective.   Also, it is important to recognize the fact that influence also plays a key role in the motives of monopolistic companies.   It is believed that if a certain company can have a marked influence over the public’s news, ideas and culture, then this corporation will have a much better chance of wielding a significant amount of influence over the public concerning government issues.   If this certain media company can manipulate all public ideas and information, it only makes sense that this business will also make a considerable difference when it comes to political news (Bagdikian 1997). I agree with Bagdikian when he states that monopolies form due to a want for money and a need for power by influencing the public.   It is an undeniable fact that money and power influence people in numerous ways.   In an attempt to be the best, I believe that many companies simply came to the conclusion that they would have to â€Å"crush† any attempts that were made by a competing company.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Death of a Salesman Essay

How effective is the ending? Who do we sympathise with? ‘Death of a Salesman’ is a play based on the examination of American life and the effects of the American Dream. Arthur Miller wrote it in 1948, and shows how life was when living a life based on the American Dream. Willy, a failed salesman spent his life following the American Dream, effecting all of those around him and leading him to suicide. The ending of the play greatly effects the feeling and sympathy given for all of the characters. It is a very effective way of ending the play, as the last  scenes seem to link very well to show Willy’s funeral. It allows the characters true feelings to be shown, and the full extent of the American dream is revealed. The ending of the play shows the true feelings and actions of the characters, in particular Happy. Happy shows his true feelings towards his father and his life; throughout the play this has not been very well shown and Happy has been left a mysterious character. That is until the Requiem, at this point Happy shows his belief in his father and how much he truly looked up to him, â€Å"He had no right to do that. There was no necessity for it. We would’ve helped him. † Of the two brothers Happy still believes in the American dream, and has fallen for its poor existence. He still supports it after seeing what has happened to his father and the life he has lived. This is shown at the very end of the play, † I’m not licked that easily. I’m staying right in this city, and I’m gonna beat this racket! † I think Happy believes that he owes it to his father to follow in his footsteps, so that he has at least one successful son. Happy spent his life trying to prove himself to his father and mother, as no attention was paid to him,†Happy: I’m gonna get married, Mom. I wanted to tell you. Linda: Go to sleep, dear. Happy (going): I just wanted to tell you. † At the beginning of the play Happy tends to fight for the attention of his parents to over come Biff’s success. He is always trying to prove himself and obviously cares for his father. Towards the beginning of the play when Linda and Biff begin to worry about Willy’s mental state Happy always seems to be the one to stand up for him and care, â€Å"He’s going to get his licence taken away if he keeps that up. I’m getting nervous about him, y’know, Biff? â€Å". As the play progress Happy grows as a person. Although it is not very visible Happy does try to keep the family together. As he sees himself as successful in Willy’s eyes he tries to help Biff become successful by setting up a business together, â€Å"Wait! We form two basketball teams, see? Two water-polo teams. We play each other. It’s million dollars’ worth of publicity. Two brothers, see? ‘The Loman Brothers’. Baby, we could sell sporting goods! † This all shows that Willy was wrong about his sons, Happy is the son with the courage and strength to be part of the American dream. He is the son that will follow on from Willy and either be a success or a failure. Within the ending of the play Biff’s true character is also shown. During the play he has a moment of self-realisation, showing him who he really is and how he is living a life of lies. The ending develops this and shows him as who he really is. Just before Willy’s death Biff confronts Willy about everything in his life. Biff tries to explain to Willy about how he is living a lie leading to an argument and a loving moment between the two. This shows how the American Dream truly effect those around Willy and brings the play to a good ending. It shows that although the two men had a moment of forgiveness and happiness together it was still not good enough for Willy. As Biff still had no success and did not wish for it Willy still felt a failure. Willy expected Biff to succeed in many ways, from the beginning of the play this is visible. As a child Biff was popular in school and was succeeding in sport although his school grades were dropping. His popularity is visible within the beginning of the play as Willy looks back on his life, â€Å"Biff [goes through the wall-line of kitchen to doorway at the back and calls down]: Fellas! Everybody sweep out the furnace room! I’ll be right down! Voices: All right! Okay, Biff. Biff: George and Sam and Frank, come out back! We’re hangin’ up the wash! Come on, Hap, on the double! † Willy seemed to care more about Biff’s popularity and friends rather than his success in school. This is the influence of the American Dream upon Willy’s life and family. As Biff grows older this still seems to be the case, although Willy also seems to expect Biff to be earning a lot of money. This is Willy’s idea of success; it is more materialistic rather than personal goals. During the end of the play Biff makes a number of short speeches full of his thoughts and feelings. I think this is very effective for the end of the play as it shows emotion in a different way. An example of one of the speeches is, â€Å"Pop, get this now, will you? Every time I’ve left it’s been a fight that sent me out of here. Today I realised some thing about myself and I tried to explain it to you and I – I think I’m just not smart enough to make any sense out of it for you. To hell with those whose fault it is or anything like that. † This shows how Biff feels about himself and his father; it is the beginning of the argument and shows great feeling. The very end of the play is shown as Willy’s funeral, it is very small and consists of only 5 or 6 people. This is very much different to what Willy expected, he hoped for a large funeral with every one he had ever known or met. These expectations were all due to the falsity of the American Dream and the funeral shows this in many ways. It is a very effective ending as  the funeral puts life in prospective for the others and shows their true character. It shows that Biff really cared for his father, as he paid little notice to the amount of people there, he did not need to be impressed with popularity. Where as Happy was concerned about the funeral and still believed in his fathers dream, â€Å"I’m gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good dream. It’s the only dream you can have – to come out number – one-man. † There are three other main characters within the play that show the contrasts and other parts of the harsh reality of the American dream. Howard is Willy’s boss; he cares for money and not people and is also very fascinated with technology. He shows the growing business world and the effects of the American Dream as a truly successful man. His fascination with technology tends to over power his care for people. For example Howard has purchased a Dictaphone and is showing it to Willy whilst he is trying to talk, â€Å"Willy: It certainly is a – Howard: Sh, for God’s sake! His Son: ‘It’s nine o’clock, Bulova watch time. So I have to go to sleep. ‘

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Mental Illness Of Mental Health - 1981 Words

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community (WHO, 2014). Mental health disorder can be defined as a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people. Mental health problems include the mental ill health that can be experienced temporarily as a reaction to the stresses of life. Mental disorder cause a great deal of suffering to those experiencing them, as well as their families and friends (NHS, 2014). Mental health illnesses can affect people of all ages, and it can be triggered by physical, social, environmental and genetic factors. Everyone is different, and because of this some people are more at risk of experiencing mental illness than others. Mental disorder are classified into two different types and degrees of severity, these are, psychosis and neurosis. Psychosis is a generic term for any mental state where the individual has lost their sense of reality, allowing normal social functioning to deteriorate. The three primary causes of psychosis are: Functional e.g. schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, Organic e.g. stemming from medical rather than psychological conditions, for example, a brain tumour, and psychoactive drugs (Sure life, 2011). People experiencing an acute episode of psychosis lose touchShow MoreRelatedMental Illness : Mental Health Illness2108 Words   |  9 PagesMerriam-Webster, mental health illness is described as a broad range of medical conditions (such as major depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or panic disorder) that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause noticeable grief or disability and that are usually related with a disruption in standard judgement, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersona l interactions, or daily functioning. Mental healthRead MoreMental Health : Mental Illness1604 Words   |  7 PagesMENTAL HEALTH REPORT 1.Prevalence is the number of cases of disease in a given population and is defined with epidemiological data. Mental health is a person’s psychological well-being. Associated diseases have become increasingly prevalent in Australia over the past decade, with a recent advertisement by the ABC highlighting that 50% of Australians will experience a mental illness. Mental illness is responsible for the third largest burden of disease in Australia, making it a priority. †¢ MorbidityRead MoreMental Illness And Mental Health1460 Words   |  6 Pageshaving mental health problems when actually they should be referred to as having a mental illness. Mental health is â€Å"a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community† (Mental health basics). Mental health is something a normal, healthy functioning human being has when everything in their head is in order. A mental illness is theRead MoreMental Health And Mental Illness1702 Words   |  7 Pagesbetween mental health and mental illness? Although the terms are often used interchangeably, mental health and mental illness are not the same thing. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. However, mental illness is a recognized, medically diagnosable illness that resultsRead MoreMental Illness : Mental Health Illness1986 Words   |  8 PagesMerriam-Webster, mental health illness is described as a broad range of medical conditions (such as major depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or panic disorder) that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause noticeable grief or disability and that are usually related with a disruption in standard judgement, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning. Mental healthRead MoreMental Health : Mental Illness1604 Words   |  7 PagesMENTAL HEALTH REPORT 1.Prevalence is the number of cases of disease in a given population* and is defined with epidemiological data. Mental health is a person’s psychological well-being. Associated diseases have become increasingly prevalent in Australia over the past decade, with a recent advertisement by the ABC highlighting that 50% of Australians will experience a mental illness. Mental illness is responsible for the third largest burden of disease in Australia, making it a priority. †¢ MorbidityRead MoreMental Illness And Mental Health1284 Words   |  6 PagesMental Illness Mental illness has been the most overlooked issue in society today let alone within prisons. Researcher Lurigio (2001) explored studies from the 1970’s through to the 2000’s on the deinstitutionalization and restructuring of mental health laws that basically channeled the mentally ill into the corrections system. Often mentally ill offenders are released into community care. Lurigio emphasized that community based care â€Å"compartmentalizes† mentally ill offenders and creates limitationsRead MoreMental Illness And Mental Health1724 Words   |  7 PagesVISUALISATION Mental illness is one of the major illnesses, some people face in everyday of their life, which can trigger them in one or the other as well prevent them to do things effectively as it use to be. According to Mental Health Foundation (2015), about a quarter of the population will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year, this can happen either by anxiety and depression which is the most common mental disorder in Britain. Women are consideredRead MoreMental Health And Mental Illness1314 Words   |  6 PagesUnderstanding mental health is a very complex concept. The antiquity of mental illness and madness tells two common and defective definitions of mental health. The first, that mental health is the absence of mental illness, while the second that mental health is a state of well-being (Tudor, 1995). The fact that both definitions are reductive and the same word mental health is used to mean mental illness added more confusion to such term. However, i t is important to know what really is mental health and mentalRead MoreMental Illness And Mental Health893 Words   |  4 Pagesreasons I wanted to write about mental health is because I do not think is discussed enough and more importantly I do not think it is given the importance it deserves. Mental Health is something you heard now and then, but it’s never actually discussed and it should. When I asked about this topic some people were uncomfortable, others were more open to discussion, but both of these people had something in common: they did not actually had an idea of what is a mental illness or disorder, the people who