Friday, April 19, 2019

Recommendations and Conclusions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Recommendations and Conclusions - Essay ExampleThe high rates of consumption in the world give the reaping higher chances of survival and even beating other products in the market and therefore should be taken into consideration in the future planningOn the factors that that influence the consumption, there is need to do thoroughgoing(a) research on the psychological and cultural factors as they influence the attitude which directly dissemble the sale. The learning and attitude towards the product begin in the mind and transfer on the belief systems, values and culture. It is these factors that affect most the consumptions and therefore the company should spend most of their effort and energy to investigate and find by the actual fact underlying them in order to reduce negative impact.In conclusion the Dasani piddle as a product has a future prosperity in the market if the challenges associated with marketing and advertising is overcome. The consumers will continue to develo p positive attitude if their complaints are identified and appropriate measures are taken in place

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